Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our So Called Life...

For those of you wondering how life is in the Pitzer household, I'd have to say pretty darn good!

This week has been a turning point - our break thru week. Things have ran quite smoothly (with minimal tears, tantrums and drama). I even made it to Target (by myself)! We are all adjusting to and finding our new rhythm. :)
Matt and I are still taking our turn with the night feedings (1am and 4:30am), and getting an OK amount of sleep in the meantime.

For those of you who are wondering - the breastfeeding is going great. It's a lot easier the second time around! Colin is now growing his third chin!!! :)

That's all for now, hope you are all doing well. Take Care!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A beautiful day for a Baptism!!

Today (with our friends and family present) we had our little boy baptised.

The church service was really nice, the sermon was perfect - it was about "taking the vows we make in church and to God seriously" (ie: baptism, membership, etc.). Grandma Sally even sang a special song just for Colin! After church, we had a yummy "down-home, southern style" lunch with our friends and family in the fellowship hall.

What a special day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Finally a moment to myself...

at least until the "poop monster" wakes Addi up or Colin realizes he'd like a snack. :)

I can safely say that things here are going quite well. Besides the lack of quality sleep and increase in daily stress - Matt and I have things in good working order.

Addi is doing about as well as I thought she would. A few tantrums during the day, lots of whining and a whole lotta drama. Oh, to be a two year old female!
She is clearly under stress that her once daily, "normal" routine is being compromised. BUT, she is actually doing really well. She loves her little brother, thinks he's cute, likes to kiss him and has to know where he is at all times!

Colin is a great baby (knock on wood)! He is up and alert more and more during the day. However, all that alertness must cause him to be quite hungry as I am feeling like more of a vending machine than a Mother!
He is sleeping 3-4 hrs. between feedings at night. Yippee!!! (Another good eating/feeding baby!)

We have been taken great care of by our neighbors, Matt's parents and our church family. We haven't gone a day w/o eating or (thanks to those of you far, far away) a day w/o a nice card, gift, phone call (or e-mail) or positive words of encouragement. Thank you!

I will try to update as much as possible, no guarentees. (Hopefully bi-monthly.) Life is busy!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Welcoming...COLIN MATTHEW!!!!!!!

** Journaling to come - just pics for now... Enjoy!!!


More COLIN Pics!!!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Colin Matthew

Saturday, February 02, 2008

It's A Boy!!

A healthy baby boy has arrived! Sara and baby are both doing well.
Colin Matthew
8lbs, 13 oz.
21 inches long
6:26 PM
All I have been told is he has hair, but less than Addi did, it is lighter than her's was, and has some highlights in it. I was also told by Matt that Sara pushed 4 times, Sara's version was she pushed for 4 minutes, so either way it went really fast! I will post pics. as soon as I get my hands on some. -Megan
Congratulations to the Pitzer family of 4!!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Update of the day...

Ok. I had a biophysical profile done this am (basically, a non-stress test and an ultra sound) and passed with flying colors! There is plenty of fluid around the baby and he/she is moving and breathing as it should. I had to turn from the ultra sound screen as the baby was "flashing" us (once again). Hmm...think'in a boy...
As of right now, there are 8 beds open, which means that (unless all women in St. Augustine go into labor tonight) they should have a bed available for our midnight induction. :)

If all goes well, you should hear from us at some point tomorrow!