Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Answer to My Prayers

Finally!!!!!!! After much stress, many tears and praying (daily) since January about what exactly I am supposed to do as far as employment, the answer has come.
Starting tomorrow I will be taking care of my friend Lily's 2 beautiful daughter's, Kaylee (2 1/2 yrs.) and Miranda (14 mos.)
I will be watching them in their home Monday thru Friday. And now for the best part - I get to have Addi with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just the answer I was hoping for!)
Now, all I need are prayers for my sanity! :)

"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dr.'s Appt.

Today we had Addi's 4 month Dr.'s appt. It went great! She did get four shots, but thanks to her chubby legs she only screamed for 10-15 seconds! :) The Doc says Addison is in good health and is developing perfectly.
Addi now weighs 16 lbs. 3 oz. (95% percentile) and is 25.5 inches long (90% percentile)!!!!!!