Saturday, February 02, 2008

It's A Boy!!

A healthy baby boy has arrived! Sara and baby are both doing well.
Colin Matthew
8lbs, 13 oz.
21 inches long
6:26 PM
All I have been told is he has hair, but less than Addi did, it is lighter than her's was, and has some highlights in it. I was also told by Matt that Sara pushed 4 times, Sara's version was she pushed for 4 minutes, so either way it went really fast! I will post pics. as soon as I get my hands on some. -Megan
Congratulations to the Pitzer family of 4!!


Nethercots said...

Congratulations on the healthy baby boy!! Welcome to Collin, we can't wait to meet him (or at least see some pics). Thanks for keeping the blog updated!!

Christian and Jodi Baron said...

congrats Sara! he's just beautiful and you are radiant! Fun times. Fun times.