Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Finally a moment to myself...

at least until the "poop monster" wakes Addi up or Colin realizes he'd like a snack. :)

I can safely say that things here are going quite well. Besides the lack of quality sleep and increase in daily stress - Matt and I have things in good working order.

Addi is doing about as well as I thought she would. A few tantrums during the day, lots of whining and a whole lotta drama. Oh, to be a two year old female!
She is clearly under stress that her once daily, "normal" routine is being compromised. BUT, she is actually doing really well. She loves her little brother, thinks he's cute, likes to kiss him and has to know where he is at all times!

Colin is a great baby (knock on wood)! He is up and alert more and more during the day. However, all that alertness must cause him to be quite hungry as I am feeling like more of a vending machine than a Mother!
He is sleeping 3-4 hrs. between feedings at night. Yippee!!! (Another good eating/feeding baby!)

We have been taken great care of by our neighbors, Matt's parents and our church family. We haven't gone a day w/o eating or (thanks to those of you far, far away) a day w/o a nice card, gift, phone call (or e-mail) or positive words of encouragement. Thank you!

I will try to update as much as possible, no guarentees. (Hopefully bi-monthly.) Life is busy!


awilks22 said...

Aww!!I cant wait to see you all, im sad that its gunna be awhile yet :( but colin is beautiful, cant wait to met him, and Addison is as always.... adorable. i love the picture of the 2 kids. I LOVE you and will hopefulyy talk to u soon! -Beth

Anonymous said...

yay! i love all the colin pics and especially the one with addi kissing him :) we miss you all so much, i cant believe he's finally here! he is just so adorable! Hopefully you are having a great time with your parents down there! love and miss you all John and Kristian