Saturday, November 24, 2007

19 months and 31 weeks

Time is flying in the Pitzer house these days. Between the nesting and the holiday's I never get any rest!!!!! My goal is to have all holiday prep done by the 1st (... of december...). This way I can spend all December nesting and freaking out over nothing, cleaning my house from top to bottom (even getting around to the blinds and base boards) and washing the baby's clothes for a second time. Ah, the mind of a pregnant woman...

Addi is doing great. Again, not much has changed. She is still in her crib, in size 5 diapers, almost size 6 shoes, 24mo.-2T for clothing, her hair is getting quite long, 1, 2hr. nap a day, bedtime is still 7:30pm.
One exciting thing in her life is that she got to go see The wiggles in concert last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her Grandpa took her (as I was in MI) and she "loved it!" What a great Bubba.

Baby Pitzer is doing well too. I had a Dr.'s appt. this week. Nothing exciting. I go every two weeks now...yippee! (It's not as much fun the second time around.) I did turn in my pre-admittance paperwork to the hospital. That was a nice reality check.
I still think it's a boy, however; I did have a dream that it was a girl last night...
The baby's nursery is pretty much put together (as of this afternoon). We have no real theme, rather a color scheme of turquoise, light blue, lime green, and brown. (Once the Christmas tree is out of there I'll post pics of the nursery.)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble, Gobble...


We hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I know we did.
However, for me; my Thanksgiving was celebrated last week while in MI with my family. My Dad's successful heart surgery was my Thanksgiving.

Matt's Uncle Bill (Sally's brother) and Aunt Grace came from Ohio for Thanksgiving this year. Which was great, since we haven't seen them since our Wedding!!! We had a yummy dinner and got to spend some quality time together as a family.
Matt and I were also able to get the tree up and the house decorated for Christmas. (All while drinking wine and listening to Frank - Christmas.)
What a great day! (Not to mention, four day weekend!!!)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Jacksonville Fair

This week we went to the Fair with The Pitzer's, The Farmer's and Ernie (Mom and Dad P.'s neighbors'), Cousin Alyssa and her friend Taylor.

Addi had such a fun time. We saw all the animals (which she loved) and Matt even won her a teddy bear from the dart toss. But her most favorite thing was going down the "Super Slide" with her dad! They went down like 6-7 times. I have never seen her so happy and excited! All she kept saying was "again, again, again!" It was great!
(Be sure to click on pic #3 to see the expression on her face!)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The TRICK's and TREAT's of Fall

What a super busy fall! We've had fall festivals, hay rides and Halloween.

By the way, Addi is in love with pumpkins!!!!! Every night before going to bed she has to say good night to her pumpkins. (Some people's kids...)

Halloween itself was rather un-eventful. We all gathered at Drew and Tess' combined our candy and sat together in their driveway passing out candy to trick-or-treater's. We did go to Matt's parent's street for a bit to do a little trick-or-treating ourselves. Addi loved it! There were kids, lights, blown up yard ornaments, etc.

Overall, she had a blast. Even though she is still too young to grasp the overall concept of the silly holiday. Next year we'll be in for a treat!!!!!!