Saturday, November 03, 2007

Jacksonville Fair

This week we went to the Fair with The Pitzer's, The Farmer's and Ernie (Mom and Dad P.'s neighbors'), Cousin Alyssa and her friend Taylor.

Addi had such a fun time. We saw all the animals (which she loved) and Matt even won her a teddy bear from the dart toss. But her most favorite thing was going down the "Super Slide" with her dad! They went down like 6-7 times. I have never seen her so happy and excited! All she kept saying was "again, again, again!" It was great!
(Be sure to click on pic #3 to see the expression on her face!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that 3rd picture on the slide is the cutest ever! i love it! matty...

i miss you guys!