Friday, January 04, 2008

21mos. and 37 weeks

I had another Dr. appt. yesterday (I now go every week.). The baby looks big and healthy(measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule - which is what I've been telling the dr. for a few mos. now...). Duh?!
He also made a comment about the baby having a big head. Let's hope it's not too big - ouch!
I also had him check my cervix...closed and thick. Not the two words I was hoping to hear. :(
I am feeling good. Sleeping well and all that, just ready to not be pregnant anymore. The "to do" list has been complete for a few days and now all that's left to do is wait.
Addi is doing great! She is understanding more about the baby and will talk about it now. She sees the pack n' play, the baby's room all set up, the car seat in the car and knows it's for "the baby". She gives my belly the occasional kiss or tickle and often tries to give the baby her sippy cup thru my belly button. It's pretty cute! I am still nervous to see how she adjusts once the baby arrives.
Developmentally, socially and physically she continues to grow by leaps and bounds!
She is now in a size 6 shoe, 24mo. bottoms and 2T tops. She still wears a size 5 diaper and has her beloved paci (not for long) at nap and bed times.
She loves to talk, sing, dance and "tap". Her songs now consist of most known Dora and Wiggles songs, Christmas carols, and nursery rhymes (even a few commercial jingles).
Her vocabulary has now extended to phrases like: do you hear it?, can I see it?, no, mommy - Addi turn (or Addi do it), bless you, excuse me/you and my favorite; hey, wake up!
She has now added the Doodlebops to her list of tv fav's.
She is great at coloring. It is the only thing that holds her attention for longer than 2 minutes. She enjoys the outdoors (epically the park) and playing with her boy friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! We miss you all so much! John and I played the voicemail message you left on christmas again today just so we could hear Addison. The baby is almost here! I love the pics of the baby's room, thanks for the close up shot of the plaque, very cute. I think the baby is going to be 8lbs. and a BOY! lol I cannot believe how big Addi is getting and I just love all the updates and pictures, and I have checked out all the picture links that you have sent me so thank you for that. We will have to see about getting down there to see the baby after it's born. We love you and miss you all so much!