Saturday, August 25, 2007

Addison and Kaya: BFF

Last week we were visited by Megan and Kaya. It was awesome! You should have seen the look on Kaya's face when she spotted Addi and I at the airport. It was a look of utter shock and surprise...truly priceless!!!!

We had so much fun. We went to the beach, to Tunnelz and Tumblez, Quinn and Nick's houses, out on the boat, to the outlet mall, on a ghost train tour (no kids on this one), to the pool, etc.

The girls had fun hugging each other, running around the house in their hats, dancing, playing with their Dora dolls, yelling each other's names and screaming and giggling A LOT!!!

What a great time! I'm ready for a nap.

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