Sunday, July 16, 2006

Addison's Baptism

Addison Faith was baptized today (along with her friend Cameron - son of our friends Brad and Jennifer Davis). Addison wore a special dress that was made by her Godmother (Megan Sterk) and also worn by her friend Kaya for her baptism! (Godfather, Mike Kooreman couldn't make it. He lives in UT you see!) Pastor Riley did a wonderful job with the baptism and Jeff sang a wonderful, personalized song for the kids. I'm happy to say that no tears were shed (by the babies that is). Halfway thru the service Cameron actually reached out to hold Addison's hand - it was pretty cute!
A special thanks to all who attended. It was great to have you all there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cute family!!! hugs and kisses from costa rica :) lova ya!