Yesterday the kids had their Dr.'s appointments. Needless to say they are both in perfect health and way above average on the growth charts.
Addi is now 35 inches tall and weighs 29lbs. 12oz.
Colin is almost 25 inches long and weighs 14lbs. 3oz.!!
Colin is doing really well. He is still a great baby!
His 8-10pm fussy time is now over. Yippee!
He goes to bed around 8pm, usually wakes up around 3am (just in time for General Hospital on Soap Net), then sleeps till 7:30ish. He naps in the am for a bit, then takes a long afternoon nap. He and Addi are almost on the exact same schedule! I have no idea how long this will last, but I LOVE IT!!!!
Man, do I ever want to kiss those cheeks on that boy!!
Looks like life is pretty good... specially with those 2 cute ones!
Kelly Blankenheim
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