Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I want to thank you all for keeping us in your prayers this past week. Matt's test came back negative!! So we should have a perfectly healthy baby.

The geneticist said to tell my family members that; all of you of child bearing age should have this blood test done (even before you have kids) to know if you are a carrier of this.
The strand I have is common and is called a 1148T mutation. Unless it was paired with another mutation (3199del6)on the same chromosome AND paired with another mutation strand from Matt (which we know is not possible) then and only then would out kid's have the possibility of having CF. Confusing stuff, I know!! I have my lab report and can try to answer questions if you have any.

I also wanted to inform you of the official change in due date. As of yesterday, the due date is now 1/26/08. This means that I am a bit over 20 weeks preggo.
The baby looked perfectly healthy, weighed about 13oz., and was not shy about showing it's genitalia to the tech (she even made us turn our heads a few times it was so obvious).

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