Friday, September 07, 2007

Name Poll

Once again, it's back to the drawing board to find the "perfect name" for the new little Pitzer. We have had tons of help (and a few disagreements) and have finally come to a few that we all (Matt, Megan, my sisters and I) actually like and are in running for consideration. So, here they are, please let us know which ones you like and why...


Natalie (meaning; born at Christmas - Ironic, huh?!) Grace
Sydney (meaning: wide meadow) Grace


Not sure which spelling... Reece/Rhys (meaning:enthusiasm) Matthew
Matthew (meaning: gift of God) Van (Dutch - cool, meaning:of or from the family of) ... He would go by VAN.


Anonymous said...

i like reece for a boy.
i like natalie for a girl, but i could live with a van or a sydney. but you know i'd come up with nicknames because i love them. i'm thinking reecie, tallie, vanny, or syd. :D

Anonymous said...

natalie and sydney are both really cute! i like reece and van for a boy too! nice names. unlike tammy i dont know what iiii would be calling them yet lol....