Addi had her 9 mo. check up today. The Dr. said she's doing just great! She weighed 17lbs 15oz (50th percentile) and measured 27 3/4 inches tall (also 50th percentile).
Addison can now crawl and has begun to pull herself up on everything!!! She is still quite vocal and has finally said "Ma Ma"!!!!! She just said it for the first time on Friday! I was so excited to finally hear those two little words! She also makes this funny clicking sound with her tongue.
She eats baby food as well as small bites of adult food. (I am still nursing as well.)
She enjoys drinking out of her sippy cup. (She has to tip it straight up towards the ceiling everytime she drinks. It's quite funny!)
Her favorite t.v shows are Dora and the Teletubbies. (Don't let her fool ya, she also like Sesame Street and The Goodnight Show.)
I can't believe she's 9mos. old already! Before I know it - we'll be celebrating her first birthday.
!Aye, Dios Mio!