Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dr.'s Appt.

Monday was Addi's 6 month checkup. It went great! She weighs 17 lbs. 2 oz. (50% percentile) and is 26 in. tall (75% percentile). The Dr. says she's in perfect health.
We are now supposed to feed her baby food twice a day. By the end of this week she will have "sampled" all of the veggies, which means we'll be starting her on fruits real soon. It is pretty fun to witness her sheer joy when it comes to eating.
I can't believe how quickly she is growing up. Everyone warned me of this, I just didn't believe it till now!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!!!!

I am sorry I have not updated this blog in some time. We have been quite busy. Also, the computer has no memory left in which to download more pics (which is half the fun in updating this site!). I'll do my best to at least post if I cannot download pictures.

I can't believe it! Addison is nearly 6 months old already! It really does seem like "we just left the hospital".
She has grown so much in the last three weeks! So much so, that it's hard for Mommy to handle. Addi now rolls over, sits on her own, has graduated to the next size of car seat, has 2 teeth, says "da da" and eats baby food. (You should see her eat. As soon as I pull the bib from the drawer- she smiles, lets out a high pitched squeal and practically convulses; arms just a waving. It's hilarious!)
I think that being with the two other girls daily has helped in her advancement.
Speaking of which. It's going really well taking care of the girls. It's actually quite do-able. All four of us are adjusting quite well. We have established a great little schedule and our days go by quite quickly.

Now that summer is over, Michigan football has begun. Yippee! (I'll have to find away to get a pic of her in one of her many adorable U of M outfits onto this site.) More on that later.

Hope you are all doing well. Take Care. GO BLUE!!!!!!